Monday, 15 May 2017



(Sufi Nurizzaika)


(Rofeeda Asyira)

(Siti Zulaikha)

(Nurul Syuhada)


(Siti Hawa)

i.          CEO (Chief Executive Officer): Sufi Nurizzaika
The CEO is ultimately responsible for the success or failure of the organization in Spring Rolls World Enterprise. The CEO title is most often used by for-profit businesses large enough in terms of employee numbers or revenue to justify this top position. Some non-profit organizations also choose to have their most senior person hold the CEO title. Business laws also influence whether the term is used within an entity. Corporations, by law, must have CEOs, other chief officers and boards of directors.
ii.         Public Relations: Siti Zulaikha
A basic definition of public relations is to shape and maintain the image of a company, organization or individual in the eyes of the client's various publics about Spring Rolls World Enterprise. A public, in PR terms, is anyone who ever has or ever will form an opinion about the client. Depending on the nature of the client's work, these publics could include clients, potential clients, voters, members of the local community, members of the media, students, parents of students, online fans groups, foreign citizens and so on.

iii.        Marketing Executives: Nur Atikah.
Marketing executives, also known as marketing officers or marketing coordinators, are involved in developing marketing campaigns to promote a service, product, event or campaign about company Spring Rolls World Enterprise. The focus can be on selling a product, a service or raising awareness of an issue that affects the public.
iv.        Human Resources Executives: Rofeeda Asyira
Human resources executives manage the administrative tasks that involve employee compensation, benefits, education and motivation in company Spring Rolls World Enterprise. They may work by themselves in small offices or supervise an HR staff in large companies. Those who work for large corporations may have to travel frequently among branch locations and headquarters to attend meetings and recruit employees.
v.         Sales Executive: Siti Hawa
Sales executives, also known as sales managers, run departments whose primary function is to offer goods and services to customers so their companies can turn a profit to company Spring Rolls World Enterprise. They may handle general categories of merchandise, such as goods in department stores, or focus on such specialties as hair-care products, automobiles or office services. Their duties focus on management rather than buying and selling.
vi.        Financial Executive: Nurul Syuhada
Finance executives manage income, expenses, investments and other money transactions so that their organizations remain profitable to company Spring Rolls World Enterprise. About one-third of them work for finance and insurance companies, while other big employers include scientific and technical services, manufacturing and government. Executives typically work full-time, although long hours are common.

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